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CryptoTalks: Bitcoin ETF, the New Frontier?
Merill SICAV - 21.12.2023
The recent revival in digital assets is set for further growth with the emergence of Bitcoin ETF proposals. This move might lead to a significant transformation in the market for digital assets, possibly reshaping it and providing major long-term investment prospects, especially for US investors looking to diversify with alternative assets. To... Read More

US Government’s Credit conundrum and Global Market Implications
Financial Market Reviews - 12.12.2023
Marc Ellazidi, CIO at Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors, recently shared his expert insights with the Sunday Times. His article presents a detailed examination of the global market's complexities, highlighting how sectoral differences, especially in tech, shape the overall economic landscape amidst challenges like inflation. Through his in-depth... Read More

Navigating the EV evolution
Financial Market Reviews - 17.10.2023
In the midst of a worldwide transition to electric vehicles, established automotive companies stand at a critical juncture, wrestling with emerging rivals and a shift in emphasis from mechanical engineering to software. Marc El-Lazidi, the Chief Investment Officer at Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors, explores the complex array of challenges and... Read More

The Weight Loss Revolution: Hype or Healthcare Shift?
Merill SICAV - 27.09.2023
The world of healthcare investment is changing because of exciting new developments in weight-loss medication, driven by groundbreaking drugs like Wegovy from Novo Nordisk. These medications not only aid weight loss but also reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes by about 20%, reshaping investment trends in healthcare. In our recent episode... Read More