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The Land of Rising Stocks: Warren Buffett's bet on Japan
Merill SICAV - 29.06.2023

The Japanese stock market has recently been undergoing a resurgence, boosted by Warren Buffett’s investments and the subsequent high-profile trip to the country. Structural changes in the shareholders’ approach could redefine its market and offer significant long-term opportunities for foreign investors looking for value investments.

In our latest Merill Talks episode Marc El-lazidi, CIO at JMFA and journalist Yannick Pace take a deep dive into Japan’s economic history and its traditionally low-growth image. We compare with other economies like Germany, an exporting-oriented country and engineering nation.

You can access our conversation which has been viewed by 10k viewers through our Merill Investors YouTube channel or through the direct link below:

The Land of Rising Stocks: Warren Buffett's bet on Japan

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