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Tech Resilience: Weathering the Black Swan Storm
Merill SICAV - 31.05.2023

The term 'Black Swan Events' refers to rare unpredictable events with serious consequences. Looking at the past few years, one can observe the increased frequency of events such as Covid-19, the Ukraine conflict and the banking crisis.

Marc Ellazidi, CIO at JMFA and Yannick Pace, Journalist look at how to dissect between tech stocks which were driven by the hype of a new reality with COVID, and those which have the ability to adapt to secular changes

Watch the video on our Merill Investors YouTube channel or read the article in our Sunday Times edition through the direct links below:

Merill Talks: Tech Resilience: Weathering the Black Swan Storm

Times of Malta: Tech Resilience: Weathering The Black Swan Storm

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