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Growth Challenges and Relocation
Clips - 25.09.2024
In a concise video, Marc Ellazidi , Fund Manager of Merill Funds, explores Christophe Laarman’s journey through the challenges of business expansion, focusing on his strategic decision to relocate. As Laarman faced the complexities of rapid growth, including operational hurdles and market limitations, he made critical choices to sustain his... Read More

Building the Business
Clips - 24.09.2024
In a concise video, Marc Ellazidi , Fund Manager of Merill Funds, delves into Christophe Laarman’s entrepreneurial journey, showcasing how he leveraged the internet to transform a modest startup into a thriving business. By tapping into the power of direct marketing and digital platforms, Laarman successfully reached millions of French-speaking... Read More

Company News Weekly 23.09.2024
Company News - 23.09.2024
Embark on a weekly journey through company news, with a spotlight on Microsoft, Berkshire Hathaway and ALibaba Group.  Read More

Macro Highlights Weekly 23.09.2024
Macro Highlights - 23.09.2024
Embark on a weekly journey through macroeconomic highlights, with a spotlight on Federal Reserve, Bank of England and People's Bank of China.  Read More