The Fund aims to provide a high overall yield whilst also aiming for potential capital growth.
The Fund may invest all its assets in rated and unrated bonds issued by both governments and companies in the private sector
located anywhere in the world.
The Fund may also invest to a limited extent in equities, units of collective investment schemes, exchange traded funds, products
which qualify as transferable securities, but which are packaged around a number of underlying securities from which they derive
their value (‘FDIs’), deposits and money market instruments.
The Fund may invest in companies of any market capitalization.
The Fund may invest in emerging markets although it will focus on developed markets. The Fund Manager has absolute discretion
to decide the investment type, geographical area, economic sector or issuer of investments, subject to applicable restrictions.
The Fund’s investments will be in Euro although investments may also be exposed to other foreign currencies.
In view that the share class has been launched on 26th January 2017, the above rating is based on a model portfolio having the same objectives and similar policies as the Fund. The data used in making the above calculation may not be a reliable indication of the future risk profile of the Fund.
The risk category above is not a measure of capital loss or gains, and the lowest risk category does not mean a risk free investment.
The share class risk category is not guaranteed and may change over time.
You can check the latest prices for the Fund on the website of Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Limited:
An accumulator class of shares is also available for this Fund. You are entitled to switch from this class to the accumulator class of shares. Please refer to the Key Features of the Fund’s Offering Supplement for more information.
The Maltese tax regime may have an impact on your personal tax position and there may be tax implications in your country of residence and/or origin.
Merill SICAV p.l.c. may be held liable solely on the basis of any statement contained in this document that is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent with the relevant parts of the Prospectus and the Offering Supplement.
Further details on this Fund can be obtained from the Prospectus, the Fund’s Offering Supplement and the annual and interim reports of the Merill SICAV p.l.c. These documents are available in English and can be obtained free of charge from Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Limited, 1/2, High Street, Hamrun Malta, by e-mailing, on the website or from licensed financial intermediaries.
The Fund is licensed in Malta and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority